Dear Visitors,

You may find the basis Information about the veterinary Hemodialysis on this webpage.

We proceeded the First Hemodialysis for Pets in the Czech Republic in the Animal Centre Vetcentrum Stodůlky Prague in 2006 and three years later, the medical facility was modernized. By that, the kidney treatment for dogs and cats is for broad public available. Our Centre is achievable 24/7.

The animals’ kidney failure can be both chronic and acute. The causes are pre-renal (dehydration, shock, heart disease, lower blood pressure), renal (when the kidney tissue is affected) or post-renal (for ureteral or bladder disease).

The basic features that may be identified by your dog or cat are: lost the desire to eat, lethargy, drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, increased drinking and increased or decreased urination.

Hemodialysis is a healing art, replacing the renal activity and removes the products from the metabolism of the body. Hemodialysis is therefore a support healing only. About 50% of all patients are in good health, almost 90% after acute renal failure (e.g. due to poisoning).

For more information on hemodialysis for your dog or cat, please contact us at:

Mgr. Jiří Čáp, email, tel.+420 608 346 911